The Credit score Actually Goes to those Guys.. and I am Really grateful of you guys for taking the time on making these Elements so we are able to use…
2013 Ford Police Interceptor Utility-Jason/Voodoo
– 2012 Ford Explorer mannequin from EA GAMES/NFS,
-Transformed to a 2013 Ford Police Interceptor by JasonCT203,
-Transformed to GTA IV by JasonCT203 and to GTA V by JasonCT203
– 2013-Present Ford Police Interceptor Wheel modeled by VooDoo,
-Centercap by Jasonct203 transformed to GTA V by JasonCT203
Highlight Cam-By LeoAllTheWay
-Ripped from NFS Rivals by THED
-Transformed to GTA V by LeoAllTheWay
Setina PB5 Fender Wrap-By EVI
Whelen Liberty Lightbar-By EVI
-SideRunners-HG2 Emergency Lighting Merchandise DEV_HG2-By EVI
-Stalker DSR 2X- By OfficerUnderwood
Wilson 5000 CB Antenna-By Gump
[DEV] Dufflebag-By HaLoPCDrAcO
-Duffle Bag Mannequin from Unknown Recreation
-Extracted by Sergiyj from TF3DM
-Transformed and Mapped by PS3Gameplays123
CM Console-By Sheriff Van Dyck
-Console scratch made by SheriffVanDyck
-Radio, espresso cup and walkie talkie by Rockstar Video games
-Textures by SheriffVanDyck
-WT and CoffeeCup from R*Video games
Panasonic Arbitrator Sprint Digicam-By Johnclark1102
– Mannequin is scratch constructed by johnclark1102
– Texture is made by diablozer0d617
[DEV] First Help Med Bag (Sergiyj)-By Sergiyj
-First Help Med Equipment – Prop from sport Left Four Useless
-Transformed, scaled and minor edits – Sergiyj
-Mannequin ripped and offered by – 3dregenerator
Tools 1.0-By ErinLindsay
SETINA Window bars for CVPI-By Cantwell
[DEV] Tahoe Setina Pushbar-By NickieB
Ms_alpr (apr) scanner r1-By Motex
-Martin_Stainman (mannequin), Rockstar Video games (textures)
Setina PB-400-By Rastko
-Flip 10 Studios (Forza 4) for mannequin, transformed into z3d by Rastko.
-Panasonic Toughbook CF-31-By Ridgerunner
-Panasonic Toughbook CF-31 modeled and transformed by Ridgerunner Designs
-Panasonic Toughbook texture by Ridgerunner Designs
GTA V Default lighting Information Closing-By TheHurk..Thanks for making this Sir
—————————————————————————————————————-Fashions I used and thanks to all:——————————————————————————————-