Actual Fuel Station:
1. Copy the fils within the folder Fuel Pump in: modsx64h.rpflevelsgta5propsroadsidev_utility.rpf
2. Copy the fils within the folder Exxon Fuel Station in: modsx64m.rpflevelsgta5_citywsantamon_01sm_26.rpf
3. Copy the Information within the folder Exxon Fuel Station Koreatown in :modsx64l.rpflevelsgta5_citywkoreatown_01kt1_16.rpf
4. Copy the recordsdata within the folder Shell Fuel Station in: modsx64okay.rpflevelsgta5_cityescentral_01sc1_09.rpf
5. Copy the recordsdata within the folder Sinclair Fuel Station in: modsx64t.rpflevelsgta5_hillscountry_04cs4_10.rpf
6. Copy the recordsdata within the folder Exxon Fuel Station Three in: modsx64okay.rpflevelsgta5_cityescentral_01sc1_05.rpf
7. Copy the recordsdata within the folder 76 Fuel Station in: modsx64okay.rpflevelsgta5_cityescentral_01sc1_21.rpf
8. Copy the recordsdata within the folder Shell Fuel Station Davis in: modsx64okay.rpflevelsgta5_cityescentral_01sc1_13.rpf
9. Copy the fille within the folder 76 Fuel Station Koreatown in modsx64l.rpflevelsgta5_citywkoreatown_01kt1_11.rpf