The company was founded in 1999 by Lee Noble in Leeds, West Yorkshire, to produce high speed sport cars with rear centerline engine. Lee Noble has remained Noble’s chief designer and executive since the start of the company.

In August 2006, he sold the company. In August 2009, it became known about the creation of his new car company called Fenix Automotive.

The main model of Noble is sports car Noble M600. Earlier models Noble M10, Noble M12 and Noble M400 were produced. Noble M12 and M400 have the same body and chassis, but different engines, suspensions, etc.

The bodies and chassis are made for Noble in Port Elizabeth (South Africa) by Hi-Tech Automotive. After the manufacturing process is completed, the finished bodies and chassis are sent to the Noble factory, where the assembly of the vehicle is completed.

In 2009, Noble presented its new model M600. The 4.4-liter turbocharged V8 engine, lightweight carbon fiber body provides a speed of 362 km/h and allows the car to compete with supercars from manufacturers such as Ferrari and Porsche in some respects.

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