Authors of 3D model, GTA:SA conversion: viter, Chromer
Author of adaptations and updates: Funky
– Custom collision, shadow, chassis_vlo
– SA Plates and orignal SA Colors support
– Perfectly adapted for SkyGFX, ENB Series and without it
– Adapted for “High Quality Lights Mod 2.0”
– Adapted for GFX Hack
What’s new in 1.1:
-Improved adaptation of IVF 2.1.1 (lights and gauges working, factory colors)
-Added adaptation to VehFuncs (engine vibration, working fans, gears, different rims)
-Fixed scale of the model to 110%
-Several changes, fixes and improvements
Special thanks:
-Rush58 for helping with some textures testing
-Mad_Driver for testing, factory colors searching, hqlm version and screenshots
Viter, Chromer, Funky