Next Gen Remastered Weapons and Pickups
This is complete remaster of all weapons, items, pickups and other mission / cutscene
various tools and weapons.This is not your average free downloaded models from internet
and tossed in the game, this is high quality, well optimized, bought and made models,
and each weapon is exactly the same (real life) model of default weapon.
This is not remastered to measurement of default weapons which this game did to some
weapons from oversizing to weird stretching.Weapons are sized to the real gun measurement.
But nothing in the end is perfect, so is this.
Despite game being very old, player holding weapons sometimes share same animation so it’s hard to fit both
player hands, object size and muzzle position.
Some edits by me:
I removed reflection because it causes the weapon pickup lose it’s texture
Reduced texture size to 512
Gameplay Weapons and Pickups:
Import DFF to gta3.img using img tool. Open TXD tool and import the textures to Gta3.txt. Cut com.rockstargames.gtasa to Android/data.
Cutscene Weapons:
Gameplay Weapons and Pickups:
Import DFF to cutscene.img using img tool. Open TXD tool and import the textures to cutscene.txt.
Import Wizard for texture:
•Uncheck Enable Camnorm
•Uncheck Reduce Texture Size