This is not my mod!
Fan Script is the creator,Simply bought his premission from him on fb.
dziœ mam dla moich fanَw
trener san menu v31.7 demo
to coach z wieloma opcjami
profesjonalnie wykonany przeze mnie
tu nie ma k³amstw
Zobacz zdjêcia
ostrze؟enie (nie dla noobَw lub braku wiedzy)
1] bardzo zaawansowany skrypt
2] zaawansowane hacki
three] wyj¹tkowo stabilny
four] sterowanie mysz¹, sterowanie za pomoc¹ klawiatury
5] poruszanie siê menu po ekranie
6] zawiera pliki ini na wszystko
7] mo؟liwoœو dawania broni policjantom i w³anczania patchuw
eight] mo؟liwoœو dawania broni gangom i w³anczania patchuw
9] mo؟liwoœو dawania broni przechodniom i w³anczania patchuw
10] mo؟liwoœو pomocy w niebezpieczeٌstwie, np heli ochrony, statek kosmiczny, hydra i inne
11] to bestia, ktَrej nigdzie nie mo؟na znaleںو
12] ekstremalna zabawa tylko dla jednego gracza
13] ںrَd³o? 100.000 pobraٌ
18] 90 podsekcji menu
19] kilkaset opcji
20] uwaga coach ma skrypty o silnej przemocy
na przyk³ad statki porywaj¹ ludzi i atakuj¹
wiesz Armageddon po ca³oœci
(cj) kontroluje wszystko
na przyk³ad policja, przechodnie, gangi
21] 40.000 lini kodu + 150 zewnêtrznych skryptَw
czy jesteœ gotowy, aby zainstalowaو tê bestiê?
warunki dla hejterَw i z³odzieji
Uwaga: mَj trener jest tylko dla wybranych
1] zakaz chciwoœci i zazdroœci
2] zakaz zagl¹dania do skryptَw
three] jeœli postawisz 1/10 to otrzymasz to samo
four] jeœli bêdziesz nie nawidzi³ twoje wszystkie osi¹gniêcia zostan¹ zniszczone
5] ja mam 6.000 scryptَw cleo i bardzo wysokie umiejêtnoœوi i spryt tak؟e ؟adne (kradzie؟e podrabianie i brak szacunku nic tobie nie da)
pozatym nie bêde 200 scryptَw blokowa³
warunki tylko dla najlepszych przyjaciَ³
poniewa؟ jesteœ wybraٌcem, co musisz zrobiو
1] oceٌ 10/10
2] napisz komentarz
three] wejdz na mَj fb
four] odwiedں mَj kana³ na youtube
5] dodaj mnie do swoich znajomych
6] przejdں tutaj do mojego profilu Mam 89 modَw
tylko wybrani otrzymaj¹ nagrody
na przyk³ad prezent mod
mam 6.000 skryptَw cleo, dam tobie , kilka skryptَw,
lub (nauczê ciê kodowaو)
lub ci pomَc
dobrej zabawy
uwaga skrypty s¹ napisane prze zemnie ale u؟ywaj¹ pomys³y innych finest koderَw
crypteq supply na dealing with editor
djjr supply na vechicle shade finder
chel555 supply tuning autos func
vmysterio pomys³y z tutorial
goldfish pomys³y z tutorial np weapon editor
fan flawer da³ mi pomys³y na nowe opcje
tak wiêc nic tu nie jest kradzione
pozatym z³odziej nie jest w stanie niczego daو
a ja ci udowodnie ؟e potrafiê ciebie nauczyو zaawansowanego kodingu
bo to jest mَj projekt
in the present day I’ve for my followers
san menu coach v31.7 demo
is a coach with many choices
professionally made by me
there aren’t any lies right here
see photographs
warning (not for noobs or lack of expertise)
1] very superior script
2] superior hacks
three] extraordinarily steady
four] mouse management, keyboard management
5] navigating the menu on the display screen
6] accommodates ini information for every part
7] the power to present weapons to policemen and to patch up
eight] the power to present weapons to gangs and to patch up
9] the power to present weapons to passers-by and patchwork
10] the potential for help in misery, e.g. heli safety, spaceship, hydra and others
11] is a beast that can not be discovered wherever
12] excessive enjoyable for one participant solely
13] supply? 100,000 downloads
18] 90 menu subsections
19] a number of hundred choices
20] consideration coach has scripts for robust violence
for instance, ships kidnap folks and assault
you understand Armageddon in full
(cj) controls every part
for instance, police, pedestrians, gangs
21] 40,000 traces of code + 150 exterior scripts
are you prepared to put in this beast?
————————————————– —–
circumstances for haters and thieves
Observe: my coach is just for chosen ones
1] prohibition of greed and jealousy
2] no scripts allowed
three] in the event you guess 1/10 you’ll get the identical
four] in the event you hate you, all of your achievements shall be destroyed
5] I’ve 6,000 scripts cleo and really excessive abilities and cleverness additionally none (theft, counterfeiting and disrespect is not going to assist you to)
in any other case I cannot block 200 scripts
————————————————– —–
circumstances just for the very best mates
as a result of you’re the chosen one, what it’s important to do
1] price 10/10
2] write a remark
three] go to my fb
four] go to my youtube channel
5] add me to your folks
6] go right here to my profile I’ve 89 mods
solely the chosen ones will obtain prizes
for instance, a present mod
I’ve 6,000 cleo scripts, I am going to provide you with some scripts,
or (I am going to educate you code)
or assist you to
have enjoyable
be aware scripts are written by me however they use the concepts of different finest encoders
// ———————————————
crypteq supply for dealing with editor
djjr supply on vechicle shade finder
chel555 supply tuning autos func
vmysterio concepts from the tutorial
goldfish concepts from tutorial e.g. weapon editor
fan flawer gave me concepts for brand spanking new choices
// ———————————————
so nothing is stolen right here
in any other case, the thief can not give something
and I’ll show to you that I can educate you superior coding
as a result of that is my venture
Phil Morg and Fan Script