Mod Name : Lamar Devis Organic T-shirt
Mod content : tshirterisorn and tshirterisyell
Installation : Just Simply Replace My Mods With U R S
Description : its been years since i uploaded a mod… lately i’ve been getting ad’s of Lamar Davis Organic (Criminal Industries DLC) on my instagram and searched the whole internet for this tshirts mod for gta sa i didn’t find any so i made one
i’ll try to upload more mods in future…. so make sure to follow me on FB
tools : IMGTOOL OR txdworkshop
Caution ; Do not Upload My mods with out my permisson
[email protected]
for suggestions and complaints
If U like My Work My FB Page Sharathkingzgtasamods
Got any Suggestions ping me on facebook i’ll reply for sure
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sharath chandra